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Science Technology

KAYAN plays a key role in the selection of environmental technology.

Choosing Technology

If you select the incorrect cleanup technology or begin with an inappropriate methodology, there is a high probability the project will fail. KAYAN walks a client through a series of checklists to determine the best approach and technology for each project site.

KAYAN is emphatic about a successful cleanup. In our experience, we’ve witnessed and recognize that in many cases salespeople are marketing various technologies to prime contractors or clients. In the end, all they want is any technology sale. There are countless instances where they essentially convey whatever they need to to earn a commission. As soon as the sold equipment is on site and has a problem you will likely not be able to reach anyone.

Contractors that may bring their equipment on site are also reliant on the salesperson. In many cases if there is a problem, the contractor will call the salesperson and they will conveniently tell the contractor the soil is out of specification. This will then cause a contractor/client conflict and slow or stop work.

KAYAN however will be on site operating and project managing with the client or contractor. We recommend proven technologies to the site that in by and large have operated for over 20 years. These are technologies KAYAN has helped in design modifications that the management understands. For some projects these technologies will be patented, proprietary KAYAN technologies and in other cases we will utilize technologies that KAYAN has licensed.

Many the technologies promoted by KAYAN center around the volatilization of contaminates inherent in different waste streams.

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